3pm - 22/11/15 - Brewdog Birmingham, 81 - 87 John Bright St, B1 1BL
Not too long ago I was contacted by Neil Hemus, duty manager at Brewdog Birmingham. It transpired that a lot of regulars were interested in the bar putting on an ‘introduction to beer blogging’ event and Neil kindly asked if I would host it for them. On the 22nd of November I’ll be making my way up to Birmingham for the day to do just this.
I’m excited, and a little taken back, to say that tickets for this event have sold out before I’d even had the chance to talk about it. I’ve already started prepping the talk and it’s set to be one of the most interesting I’ve done to date.
We’ll discuss why people blog about beer, or anything for that matter, in the first place. I’ll run through the features and benefits of a range of blogging platforms and the advantages and disadvantages of each. There’s a lot to write about so we’ll look at content, style and how to make your blog stand out from the crowd. One of the main aspects of my own self-improvement over the last few months has been a focus on photography and we’ll look at the best way to use this and why it’s worth the extra time and effort. We’ll also go through sharing your blog, social media best practice and building an audience – plus I’ll have a few more things up my sleeve on the day.
My favourite part of all this is that we’ll get to spend the best part of an afternoon chatting in one of Birmingham’s best bars. Ticket holders will get a free schooner of Dead Pony Club on arrival and then we’ll have table service throughout, so you won’t need to rush to the bar if you get thirsty.
I’m looking forward to spending an afternoon in Birmingham – this is going to be a very cool, relaxed event. If you’re a bar or venue and you like the sound of this, hit the big ol’ contact me button below and we can discuss doing the same at your place.